This class represents an Infigo Template. This includes:
PagesAn array of page information (read-only)
ColoursAn array of colour information (read-only)
Embedded FilesAn array of embedded file information (read-only)
Document PropertiesAn array of properties specified for the document. This can be extended and for non-fixed properties, the values can be changed.
Global text variablesAn array of text variables. Those variable values and non-fixed properties can be changed.
FieldsAn array of fields. The field values and non-fixed properties can be changed.

Namespace:  InfigoSDK
Assembly:  InfigoSDK (in InfigoSDK.dll) Version: (


public class InfigoTemplate
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Class InfigoTemplate
Visual C++
public ref class InfigoTemplate

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also