Overload List

CreateThumbnails(String, Int32, PDFHandler..::.ThumbnailFileType)
Create thumbnails for all pages of the document. The thumbnails are named with the following scheme: {filename}{page}.{type}.

This means a two paged PDF file named "example.pdf" would generate the following BMP files: example1.bmpexample2.bmp

CreateThumbnails(String, Int32, Int32, PDFHandler..::.ThumbnailFileType)
Create thumbnails from a range of pages. Only the first NumPages will be used for thumbnail generation (if there less than nNumPages there, no error is thrown). The thumbnails are named with the following scheme: {filename}{page}.{type}.

This means a two paged PDF file named "example.pdf" would generate the following BMP files: example1.bmpexample2.bmp

See Also