This setting allows to specify how many worker threads should be used in the thread pool. This is only a hint, if the maximum number of threads is reached and a new batch operation gets started, this will still run in a new thread to maintain performance.

Furthermore, if too many PDFHandler-objects are open at the same time (more than 10 per thread), a new thread will be created as well despite the limit. However, if possible, the additional threads will be closed down if they are not necessary anymore.

A value between 5 and 20 is sensible in most situations. The default is 10.

Namespace:  InfigoSDK
Assembly:  InfigoSDK (in InfigoSDK.dll) Version: (


public static int NumberOfWorkingThreads { get; set; }
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Shared Property NumberOfWorkingThreads As Integer
Visual C++
static property int NumberOfWorkingThreads {
	int get ();
	void set (int value);

See Also