Creates a batch output file. The input XML files (one for each record) are given as a string array with the file names.

It is possible to create a single output file. In this case, the array output names must contain only one file name.

It is also possible to create one output file for each record, in which case you can either specify as many output file names as there are record files, or specify just one file name, the rest will be computed with an increasing number automatically.

Furthermore, it is possible to output only the variable content (any static PDF background gets removed) or create a PPML + PDF file comination for optimized printing (this is only possible for single file output though).

Namespace:  InfigoSDK
Assembly:  InfigoSDK (in InfigoSDK.dll) Version: (


public bool SyncBatch(
	string strFile,
	string[] xmlFiles,
	string[] outputNames,
	bool bSingleOutput,
	bool bRemoveBackground,
	PDFHandler..::.BatchOutputType batchOutput
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function SyncBatch ( _
	strFile As String, _
	xmlFiles As String(), _
	outputNames As String(), _
	bSingleOutput As Boolean, _
	bRemoveBackground As Boolean, _
	batchOutput As PDFHandler..::.BatchOutputType _
) As Boolean
Visual C++
bool SyncBatch(
	String^ strFile, 
	array<String^>^ xmlFiles, 
	array<String^>^ outputNames, 
	bool bSingleOutput, 
	bool bRemoveBackground, 
	PDFHandler..::.BatchOutputType batchOutput


Type: System..::.String
The file name of the Infigo template to perform the batch on.
Type: array< System..::.String >[]()[]
An array of file names for the input XML files. One file for each record.
Type: array< System..::.String >[]()[]
The output file names. See above for a more detailed description.
Type: System..::.Boolean
This boolean flag allows to switch between a single output file, and one file per record.
Type: System..::.Boolean
This boolean flag allows to remove the static PDF background.
Type: InfigoSDK..::.PDFHandler..::.BatchOutputType
This enumeration allows to specify the output type.

Return Value

Returns true on success.

See Also