The InfigoBatchRunData type exposes the following members.


This this flag to true to allow Infigo Richtext format tags in the input data. Usually, the data will be treated unformated and the format tag identifier are automatically escaped. If the input data does actually contain format tags, this flag can remove the automatic escape mechanism and keep the data intact.
This this flag to true in order to pack the PDF and PPML file into a single archive (this flag is no effect for any other output types than PPML).
The file praefix will will be added to the output files in multi file output mode.
An optional list of column ordinal numbers used for naming the output files (in multi file output mode only). The corresponding record data will be added to the file name in the same order in which they appear in this list.
This number is used for the X_RECORDS output mode and determines how many records are written into a single PDF file.
The destination path to the output directory, which is used for the multi file output modes.
The output format to be used (See InfigoBatchRunData..::.InfigoOutputType). Please note that PPML is only valid for single file outputs.
Set this to true to remove any static background in the PDF file. Only the variable parts will remain. This can be used to overprint the data on preprinted sheets.
The destination path to the output file, which is used for the SINGLE_FILE mode.
The batch mode to use (see InfigoBatchRunData..::.InfigoBatchType).
This flag controls if the input data should be validated by the constraints setup in the template (e.g. data type, character counts, max lines, email, etc.). If validation is switched on, any record which does not satisfy the template constraints will be refused.

See Also