Implement this function to perform the custom mapping. This function must take the data from the current record in reader and apply this to the variable parts of the handler object. (Please note that this function should not move the data cursor in the reader object to the next object).

Namespace:  InfigoSDK
Assembly:  InfigoSDK (in InfigoSDK.dll) Version: (


bool Map(
	IDataReader reader,
	InfigoTemplate handler,
	bool bValidate
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Function Map ( _
	reader As IDataReader, _
	handler As InfigoTemplate, _
	bValidate As Boolean _
) As Boolean
Visual C++
bool Map(
	IDataReader^ reader, 
	InfigoTemplate^ handler, 
	bool bValidate


Type: System.Data..::.IDataReader
The reader object where to get the data from.
Type: InfigoSDK..::.InfigoTemplate
The handler object where to put the data into.
Type: System..::.Boolean
This flag indicates if validation should be performed on the input data.

Return Value

Returns true if the mapping was successful.

See Also