Returns a sorted multi-dimensional array of all fields and variables used in that template. This can be used to easily display them as intended in an UI form.

The first dimension are reserved for the pages. If the parameter Pages is false, the controls are not sorted by pages, instead, only one element exists in the first dimension.

If the parameter Pages is true, the first element are the global variables (if there are any), then come the pages in order (all elements on page 1, then all on page 2) etc.

The next dimension are the groups, each element for one group (the groups themselfs are in the order specified by the template designer). The last dimension is for the elements directly (fields, local and global variables) - again order by the template designer.

By using that function, it is possible to setup the UI in the way the template designer setup the template without looking furhter into the properties (there is always the possibility to create the order manually by looking at the GroupName, TabID and GroupOrder properties).

Namespace:  InfigoSDK
Assembly:  InfigoSDK (in InfigoSDK.dll) Version: (


public IInfigoPropertyControl[][][] GetSortedControls(
	bool bPages
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function GetSortedControls ( _
	bPages As Boolean _
) As IInfigoPropertyControl()()()
Visual C++
array<array<array<IInfigoPropertyControl^>^>^>^ GetSortedControls(
	bool bPages


Type: System..::.Boolean
If true, the elements are sorted per page, if false, they are sorted by groups only

Return Value

Returns a 3-dimensional array of the fields and variables in the current template.

See Also