The InfigoSDKUtility type exposes the following members.


Creates a new directory in the default temp file path. The directory gets deleted with all containing files (if possible) after certain events (batch job finished/application closing). If there are still open file handles, it simple gets not deleted.
Initializes the SDK.
This function removes the rich text format tags (if there are any) from a string. If the RemoveRTFormatWhenParsingXML option is switched off, you can always manually remove any tags easily with that function.
Function called before exiting the application. This must be called in order to close any running threads.



Set and get the log file. By default, there is no log file specified and no logs are written to the log file.

Simply set a valid log file here to enable logging.


This setting allows to specify how many worker threads should be used in the thread pool. This is only a hint, if the maximum number of threads is reached and a new batch operation gets started, this will still run in a new thread to maintain performance.

Furthermore, if too many PDFHandler-objects are open at the same time (more than 10 per thread), a new thread will be created as well despite the limit. However, if possible, the additional threads will be closed down if they are not necessary anymore.

A value between 5 and 20 is sensible in most situations. The default is 10.


This boolean setting controls the XML parsing process. If the setting is set to true, any rich text format tags are removed after parsing the data of an Infigo template or an XML file.

The advantage here is, that for preview data, the data itself is just an example and removing the RT format avoids to handle the more complicated correct display of the rich text formated string on the client side. However, if you have enabled a fully rich text aware client side, you can switch this off to preserve the format tags.

See Also