The PDFHandler type exposes the following members.



In comparison to SyncBatch(String, array<String>[]()[], array<String>[]()[], Boolean, Boolean, PDFHandler..::.BatchOutputType), this method returns after setting up the batch run and does not block until the batch has finished.

Creates a batch output file. The input XML files (one for each record) are given as a string array with the file names.

It is possible to create a single output file. In this case, the array output names must contain only one file name.

It is also possible to create one output file for each record, in which case you can either specify as many output file names as there are record files, or specify just one file name, the rest will be computed with an increasing number automatically.

Furthermore, it is possible to output only the variable content (any static PDF background gets removed) or create a PPML + PDF file comination for optimized printing (this is only possible for single file output though).

For async batch runs (AsyncBatchStart(String, array<String>[]()[], array<String>[]()[], Boolean, Boolean, PDFHandler..::.BatchOutputType)), this method can be used to stop them before finishing with all records passed over.
Close the current document. This must be executed after a successfull Open call at some point when done using the file.
This method is used to combine multiple PDF files into one.
Creates a InfigoTemplate object for the current open Infigo template.
Create the Infigo XML data representing the current open document and returning it as a string object.
Create the Infigo XML data representing the current open document and writing this into a text file.
If open, will close the document
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Destruction of the PDF Handler object. Will close the file if still open.
(Overrides Object..::.Finalize()()().)
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Import the Infigo XML data given as string into the current open document.
Import the Infigo XML data given in a text file into the current open document.
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Opens a PDF file (can be used for any valid PDF file).
Saves a infigo template. This does create the final output and is usually the next step after importing Infigo XML data.

Creates a batch output file. The input XML files (one for each record) are given as a string array with the file names.

It is possible to create a single output file. In this case, the array output names must contain only one file name.

It is also possible to create one output file for each record, in which case you can either specify as many output file names as there are record files, or specify just one file name, the rest will be computed with an increasing number automatically.

Furthermore, it is possible to output only the variable content (any static PDF background gets removed) or create a PPML + PDF file comination for optimized printing (this is only possible for single file output though).

This method provides a simple way to create the output for a given Infigo template and a given Infigo XML data.
This method provides a simple way to create the output for a given Infigo template and a given Infigo XML file.
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
This method can be used to create quickly a preview thumbnail for a certain page. This method can only be used if CanUseSimpleUpdate returns true. Otherwise, the results are not predicable.
This method can be used to create quickly a preview thumbnail for a certain page. It requires to be fed with the whole XML data, no matter what items have changed. It can be used if CanUseSimpleUpdate returns false and therefore UpdateSimple(String, Int32, Int32, PDFHandler..::.ThumbnailFileType, String) cannot be used.

See Also