Illustrator Artboards to GIF files Script
Outputing the contents of Artboards from Illustrator as gif files in preparation to creating an animated GIF file written in an ExtendScript Illustrator Script. // Define the GIF export options…
Outputing the contents of Artboards from Illustrator as gif files in preparation to creating an animated GIF file written in an ExtendScript Illustrator Script. // Define the GIF export options…
OpenAI and Windows Resource to HTML form I wanted to see if OpenAI could convert a dialog box windows resource to an HTML form. Here is the dialog code followed…
Variable Data Printing Standards (part 1) PPML PPML (Personalized Print Markup Language) is a standardized XML-based language used for variable data printing (VDP). It allows for the creation and printing…
PDF A PDF (Portable Document Format) file represents documents in a manner independent of the hardware, software, and operating system used to create them. This portability allows any device with…
Plugging Plug-ins – Why Third-Party Software Matters Any professional racing driver will tell you that there’s no such thing as too much power. Give them a new, 1000-horsepower engine and…
Is PDF accessible?OverviewAccessibility in software refers to the design and development of software that is usable by people with disabilities. Keyboard shortcuts, screen reader compatibility, and high contrast modes are…
Adobe PDF Base-14 Fonts A number of fonts are included with Adobe Acrobat and therefore don't need to be embedded in PDF files. In our products Impress, Impress Pro and…
The Camelot Project J. Warnock This document describes the base technology and ideas behind the project named “Camelot.” This project’s goal is to solve a fundamental problem that confronts today’s companies. The problem…
A Short History of PDF (Portable Document Format) Adobe Systems made the PDF specification available free of charge in 1993. In the early years PDF was popular mainly in desktop…
Deeper Insight into the Complex Structure of PDF Files and Their Key Components. PDF file format structure can be looked upon as a combination of different file types presented in…