Adobe PDF Base-14 Fonts

Adobe PDF Base-14 Fonts

Showcasing the base 14 fonts that are always available to PDF viewers.

A number of fonts are included with Adobe Acrobat and therefore don’t need to be embedded in PDF files. In our products Impress, Impress Pro and TOCBuilder these fonts are marked in the font lists in Red:

  • 4 font sets in the Helvetica family: normal, bold, and bold italic, with any size. XSL-FO “sans-serif” font family is normally mapped to “Helvetica”.
  • 4 font sets in the Times family: normal, bold, and bold italic, with any size XSL-FO “serif” font family is normally mapped to “Times”.
  • 4 font sets in the Courier family: normal, bold, and bold italic, with any size. XSL-FO “monospace” font family is normally mapped to “Courier”.
  • 1 font sets in the Symbol family: normal, with any size. “Symbol” is normally used for Greek alphabets and some symbols like: Ω, φ, ≠, ©.
  • 1 font sets in the ZapfDingbats family: normal, with any size. “ZapfDingbats” is normally used for Zapf dingbats like: ✌, ✍, ❀, ☺.
Also see our blog on the demise of Type 1 fonts: Type 1 Font Support Ending
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Adobe PDF Base-14 Fonts

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