Apply multiple PDF text stamps to A range of pages in multiple PDF files
Mapsoft Impress Pro: Advanced Text Stamping Plugin for Adobe® Acrobat®
Enhance your PDF workflows with Mapsoft’s Impress Pro plugin, designed for versatile and customizable pdf text stamping in Adobe® Acrobat®, including bates stamping of pdfs.
- Use any font and/or select globally available fonts that don’t need to be embedded.
- As a watermark or foreground.
- With transparency options.
- Text stamps can be set In a fixed position relative to any edge of the page or diagonally.
- Various rotations can be set.
- Using variables such as date, time and page numbering.
- Option of using numbering systems such as Bates numbering and stamping of PDFs, Roman etc.
- Run over batches of files and folders.
- Use multiple text stamps in one run.
- You can set optional security, open options, and document properties simultaneously.
- Color selection for the text with pre-set colors or custom RGB/CMYK values.
- Outline feature for text.
- Line spacing customization for text.
- Page range selection to apply impressions on all, specified, or a range of pages.
- Page spread options to choose from odd and even pages, odd pages only, or even pages only.
- Use of a clipping area to constrain the impression within a specific part of the page.
- Adjustments for page rotations to ensure the impression aligns correctly with the page content.
- Save functionality for impressions, allowing users to store and reuse settings.
- Preview button to visualize the impression before applying.
- Apply impressions to multiple documents, suggested by the ‘Apply’ tab and its description.
Impress Pro is an Acrobat plug-in that allows you to add a text impression (PDF text stamp) or multiple impressions to a range of pages in one or more PDF files. Version 2.1 of Impress Pro includes several enhancements based on feedback from our customers.
Additional Features
In addition to the PDF text stamping features in Impress Pro, you can conveniently set the document information fields, the default index, a base URL, the open defaults, and security all at once. These settings remain unchanged unless you set them (the cross on each tab turns into a tick). You can also print documents with an impression without permanently altering them (Impress Pro needs to be installed).
You can set text impressions either as watermarks, which appear on a layer below all existing text and images, or above existing text, where you can use them for headers and footers, page numbering, etc. Alternatively, you can use transparency in the background. You can set variables to define page numbering, total number of pages, and date and time in a variety of formats.

PDF Text Stamping Options
The following pdf text stamping options are available to allow you to control the impression with which you want to mark your document:
Document Info Fields
Impress Pro also enables you to set document information, including the index to mount when the document is opened and the base URL. Version 2.1 allows you to save a set of defaults.

Setting of Document Open Defaults
Impress Pro will also enable the setting of document open defaults. The view options may be set not to change any existing defaults. Version 2.1 allows the saving of a set of defaults.

Impress Pro can also be used to set security in all of the selected documents. Version 2.1 allows the saving of a set of defaults.

Application of Impressions and File Handling
The Apply screen in Impress Pro controls how you can use this plug-in in different modes.

Available modes are:
The Mapsoft PDF Plug-ins are especially useful where there is a requirement to comment, markup or edit PDF documents for publishing purposes especially where automation may be an important factor.
To try Impress Pro please register to download the tryout version. The tryout version has no time limit. Instead, it stamps the text “Impress Pro Tryout” onto each page in addition to the text you stamp yourself.