How to Create a Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat: Adding a Custom Menu Item using the Acrobat SDK


Adobe Acrobat is a versatile tool for handling PDF documents, but sometimes you might need functionality that’s not available out of the box. Creating custom plug-ins allows you to extend Acrobat’s capabilities to suit your specific needs. In this guide, we’ll show you how to develop an Adobe Acrobat plug-in that adds a custom menu item to display a “Hello, World!” alert.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Adobe Acrobat Plug-ins
  2. Setting Up Your Development Environment
  3. Creating Your First Plug-in with a Custom Menu Item
  4. Exploring the Acrobat SDK
  5. Best Practices for Plug-in Development
  6. Deploying Your Plug-in
  7. Conclusion

Understanding Adobe Acrobat Plug-ins

What Are Plug-ins?

Plug-ins are software components that add specific features to an existing application. In the context of Adobe Acrobat, plug-ins allow developers to enhance or modify the application’s functionality.

Why Create a Plug-in?

  • Customization: Tailor Acrobat to meet specific workflow requirements.
  • Automation: Automate repetitive tasks to improve efficiency.
  • Integration: Connect Acrobat with other software systems.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Before you start coding, you need to set up your development environment.


  • Programming Knowledge: Proficiency in C or C++.
  • Development Tools: An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Microsoft Visual Studio (for Windows) or Xcode (for macOS).
  • Adobe Acrobat SDK: The Software Development Kit provided by Adobe.

Downloading the Adobe Acrobat SDK

  1. Visit the Adobe Developer Website: Go to the Adobe Acrobat Developer Center.
  2. Download the SDK: Navigate to the SDK section and download the latest version compatible with your system.

Installing the SDK

Extract the downloaded SDK to a convenient location on your hard drive. The SDK includes:

  • Header Files: For API functions.
  • Sample Code: Examples to help you get started.
  • Documentation: Essential reading to understand the SDK’s capabilities.

Setting Up Your IDE

For Windows (Visual Studio)

  1. Create a New Project: Choose a Win32 Project and set it as a DLL.
  2. Include Directories: Add the SDK’s Include and Source directories to your project’s include path.
  3. Library Directories: Link against the necessary Adobe Acrobat libraries found in the SDK.
  4. Preprocessor Definitions: Add WIN_PLATFORM, ACRO_SDK_PLUGIN, and WIN_ENV to your preprocessor definitions.

For macOS (Xcode)

  1. Create a New Project: Select a Dynamic Library project.
  2. Include Directories: Add the SDK’s Include and Source directories.
  3. Frameworks: Link the required frameworks provided by the SDK.
  4. Preprocessor Definitions: Add MAC_PLATFORM, ACRO_SDK_PLUGIN, and MAC_ENV to your preprocessor definitions.

Creating Your First Plug-in with a Custom Menu Item

Let’s build a plug-in that adds a custom menu item to Acrobat’s menu bar. When the menu item is clicked, it will display a “Hello, World!” alert.

Step 1: Define the Plug-in Handshake

The handshake functions initialize your plug-in and allow Acrobat to recognize it.

#include "PIHeaders.h"

ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 PluginExportHFTs(void) {
    return true;

ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 PluginImportReplaceAndRegister(void) {
    return true;

ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 PluginInit(void);
ACCB1 void ACCB2 PluginUnload(void);
ASAtom GetExtensionName(void);

Step 2: Implement the Plug-in Initialization and Unload Functions

ACCB1 ASBool ACCB2 PluginInit(void) {
    // Call the function to add the menu item
    return true;

ACCB1 void ACCB2 PluginUnload(void) {
    // Cleanup code here (if necessary)

ASAtom GetExtensionName(void) {
    return ASAtomFromString("HelloWorldPlugin");

Step 3: Add the Custom Menu Item

We need to define a function that adds a menu item to Acrobat’s UI.

// Function Prototypes
void AddOurMenuItem(void);
ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyMenuItemCallback(void *clientData);

// Function Implementations
void AddOurMenuItem(void) {
    // Get the menu bar
    AVMenuBar menuBar = AVAppGetMenubar();

    // Create a new menu item
    AVMenuItem menuItem = AVMenuItemNew("Say Hello", "SayHelloMenuItem", NULL, false, NO_SHORTCUT, 0, NULL);

    // Create or get a submenu (e.g., under the "Plug-Ins" menu)
    AVMenu pluginsMenu = AVMenubarAcquireMenuByName(menuBar, "ADBE:PlugIns");
    if (pluginsMenu == NULL) {
        // If the "Plug-Ins" menu doesn't exist, create it
        pluginsMenu = AVMenuNew("Plug-Ins", "ADBE:PlugIns", NULL, false);
        AVMenubarAddMenu(menuBar, pluginsMenu, APPEND_MENU);

    // Add the menu item to the submenu
    AVMenuAddMenuItem(pluginsMenu, menuItem, APPEND_MENUITEM);

    // Release the menu

    // Set the callback for the menu item
    AVMenuItemSetExecuteProc(menuItem, ASCallbackCreateProto(AVExecuteProc, MyMenuItemCallback), NULL);

    // Release the menu item

ACCB1 void ACCB2 MyMenuItemCallback(void *clientData) {
    AVAlertNote("Hello, World!");

Step 4: Compile the Plug-in

  • Build Configuration: Set your build configuration to match Acrobat’s architecture (32-bit or 64-bit).
  • Include Paths: Ensure that the SDK’s Include and Source directories are included.
  • Library Paths: Link against the necessary libraries from the SDK.
  • Compile: Build the project to generate the plug-in file (.api on Windows, .acroplugin on macOS).

Step 5: Install the Plug-in

Copy the compiled plug-in to Acrobat’s plug-ins directory:

  • Windows: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\plug_ins
  • macOS: /Applications/Adobe Acrobat DC/Adobe

Step 6: Test the Plug-in

  1. Launch Acrobat: Open Adobe Acrobat.
  2. Verify the Menu Item: Look for your new menu item under the “Plug-Ins” menu.
  3. Test the Functionality: Click on the “Say Hello” menu item. The “Hello, World!” alert should appear.

Exploring the Acrobat SDK

To build more complex plug-ins, familiarize yourself with the SDK’s features.

Sample Code

The SDK includes sample projects demonstrating various functionalities:

  • Annotations: Create custom annotations.
  • Forms: Manipulate PDF forms.
  • Security: Implement custom security handlers.

Key Components

  • APIs: Application Programming Interfaces for interacting with Acrobat.
  • HFTs: Host Function Tables for accessing Acrobat’s internal functions.
  • Callbacks: Functions that Acrobat calls in response to events.

Best Practices for Plug-in Development

  • Error Handling: Always check the return values of API calls.
  • Performance: Optimize code to avoid slowing down Acrobat.
  • Security: Validate all inputs and handle data securely.
  • Documentation: Comment your code and maintain documentation for future reference.

Deploying Your Plug-in


  • Windows: Distribute the .api file.
  • macOS: Distribute the .acroplugin package.

Installation Script

Consider creating an installer to simplify the installation process for users.

Version Compatibility

Ensure your plug-in is compatible with the versions of Acrobat your users have installed.


By adding a custom menu item to your Adobe Acrobat plug-in, you’ve taken a significant step toward creating more interactive and user-friendly extensions. This simple example can serve as a foundation for more complex functionalities, such as processing documents, integrating with external services, or enhancing the user interface.

Additional Resources

Happy coding!

Note: The code samples provided are for illustrative purposes. Be sure to consult the Adobe Acrobat SDK documentation for detailed information and best practices.

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How to Create a Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat: Adding a Custom Menu Item using the Acrobat SDK

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