
Waterfall Software Development

Waterfall software development in comparison to Agile software development is a linear approach to software development that follows a fixed set of steps. It is called a “waterfall” because each layer flows downstream to the next layer, just as a waterfall flows from one layer to the next.

The steps for the waterfall software development model are as follows:

  1. Requirements Gathering and Analysis: In this phase, software requirements are gathered and analyzed. This includes identifying the needs of users and stakeholders and determining how the software will meet those needs.
  2. Design: In this phase the software design is created. This includes creating detailed specifications for the software, including architecture, user interface, and other technical details.
  3. Implementation: In this phase the software is developed. This includes programming the software, testing it to ensure that it meets certain requirements, and debugging any errors found. We would call this an Alpha phase and at this point we might get the customer involved in providing some feedback.
  4. Testing: During this phase, the software is extensively tested to ensure that it is error-free and that requirements are met. We would typically call this a beta phase
  5. Deployment: This phase installs the software and makes it available for use. This may include training users on how to use the software and providing ongoing support and maintenance.
  6. Maintenance: During this phase, the software is maintained over time to continue to meet the needs of users and stakeholders. This may include bug fixes, new features, or updates to keep the software up to date.

One of the main characteristics of the waterfall software development model is that each step is a linear process that flows downstream to the next step. This means that each step must be completed before starting the next step

At Mapsoft this type of project would result in a situation where we would be able to provide a fixed price and detailed schedule to a customer